Cover design: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

This book needs no introduction, obviously.

Harry potter

I took this picture in the library of Trinity College Dublin, and I think it’s the most amazing library I’ve ever seen. I love the way there were giant books at the bottom, tiny books at the top, and the ladders for getting to the higher shelves.

Anyway, it reminded me a bit of the Hogwarts library (although that’s actually filmed in Oxford). The library plays quite an important part in the first Harry Potter book, since it’s where they go to try and find out about Nicholas Flamel, and where they eventually find the answer, which is in one of Hermione’s “light reading” books.

I also like the bust, which definitely hints at “philosophers”, even though there probably wasn’t a bust of Nicholas Flamel in the Hogwart’s library! I can’t actually remember who the bust is of in real life though.
